Welcome at Arthur's


Arthur's Westernstore

Heuvel 18  5476KG

Vorstenbosch, Netherlands

Tel. Arthur +31(0)651269094  

Tel.Anoeska +31(0)650204701

Tel.Store +31(0) 413-353395   



Rabobank Bernheze

Arthur' Western B.V


Ibannr: NL36Rabo0155296310 


Vat/Btw nr: NL807671794B01   

KVK nr: 17111810


The store

Arthur's western store has the largest and most complete collection western tack of Europe. We are based in Vorstenbosch a small village in the south of the Netherlands.Together with Burgmeijer Quarter horses and trickriding team The Future Guys we have our home base on property of manege 'l'Avenir.

To stay up to date about the newest items and technics we travel to USA several times a year. With 30 years of experience we became known off our knowledge, quality and service. In our beautifull store we offer our a collection of 300 saddles for ,reining, trail, working, endurane, cutting and ranch work. All our products are direct import USA.We import and export top brands as Billy Cook, Bob's Custom saddles, Dale Chavez, Professional's choice, Blue Ribbon, Circle y, American west, Cowboy magic, Vinton, Rodeo King, Cowperson tack, E.Garcia bits & spurs, Tom Balding Bits, Ariat,  Boulet, Sendra, Double HH, Old Gringo, Hamilton, Montana silversmith, Wrangler, Cinch, Cruel girl, Roper, BB Simon, Carhartt, Sheaffer clothing etc.etc.,

Also we have a large variety off horse care products, leather care products, feed suppluments, blankets, workclothing , showclothing, hatts and boots. Also we are present at many events in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands with large variety of products in our mobile store.

Arthur's Westernstore is known because of our wide variety, quality and expertise of products and we have a high standerd saddle fitting service both on location and at our location in Vorstenbosch.

Both Arthur and Anoeska v Osch grew up with horses and working with horses and both have a lot of experience with breaking in, schooling and training horses for diciplines of all kinds. Because of there experience in working with horses they developed knowledge about the anatomic and muscular system of the horse which we use to share with our clients in there search for a perfect fitting saddle for there horse. Another option in combination with a saddlefitting is use of our computorised saddle pressure analyse system.The saddle pressure analyse system can also be used with used saddles or just for a saddle check up  .

We also carry a variety in ranch supplies as american roundpens and fencing.


Official Distributor

We are a official distributors for:

North Europe distributor for LL Tecnologie Arena Drag

Benelux & Germany distributor for Niagara Equissage equine therapy systems and products for horses, dogs and humane sector.

Benelux & Germany distributor for IMMUN-OCEAN 100% natural feed supplements for horses.


For more information about these products or for interest in becoming a sales agent for these products please don't hesitate to contact us info@westernstore.nl or call +31651269094 or +31650204701


Also for buying and selling or information about american gooseneck trailers we can be at your service.

Your are more then welcome in our store but before youre visit we prefer you give us a call or contact us by email for a appointment .

Arthur & Anoeska V Osch